4J School Board Candidates
The Eugene City Club session on Friday April 7 gives a good overview of candidates.
RRCO April 10 meeting is HYBRID – Zoom and LIVE !
Check out our April E-Newsletter Linked below!
Community Meeting April 10 at 7
Hybrid meeting- In person at 1055 River Rd. or on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 846 6248 8247 Passcode: RRCO-Gen
Elections: City Council 4J School Board and Levies.
At the March 10th RRCO General Meeting we will cover the Eugene Ward 7 candidates, 4J School Board candidates, Lane County Public Safety Levy and Eugene Parks Levy in that order. We will give each of the participating candidates up to three minutes to speak about themself and their candidacy followed by Q&A with each of the candidates. A spokesperson for the county public safety levy has been invited and the Healing Not Handcuffs coalition will offer an alternate perspective.
The audience will be invited to write their questions for the candidates on cards and in the chat. These will be collected and vetted by a two neutral board members and asked by that team. Candidates will have up to one minute to respond to each question.
As usual, we expect everyone to be neighborly and courteous to our guests and to the agenda.
Here is the outline of our General Meeting:
- The participating candidates for Ward 7 City Council will randomly take turns speaking for up to three minutes about themselves and their candidacy. Then the candidates will have up to one minute to respond to each questions from the audience.
- The same process will be followed by up to three minutes each for the participating candidates for 4J School Board positions.
- We then will have a proponent and opponent of the County Public Safety Levy each spend up to 3 minutes to discuss their position on the levy
- Finally we have asked a Lane County League of Women Voters to give us a non-partisan explanation of the Eugene Parks levy.
Filbert Grove Work Party
Saturday March 4, 10 am – 12 noon
Meet on the Willamette Greenway at the end of McClure at the Filbert Grove
We expect to HAVE FUN.
Dig and remove English Ivy. BUILD COMMUNITY.
Prune Filbert Trees. EXERCISE.
Clear vegetation around Filbert Trees.

Biking is encouraged with bike parking on site.
If driving, park on Stults and walk north on bike path 200 meters.
Wear sturdy shoes, bring water to drink. Dress for the Weather.
The City of Eugene will provide gloves and tools
(feel free to bring your own as well).
River Road Community Organization Board Member, Jan Spencer, is coordinating with the City of Eugene to continue support of this Hazelnut/ Filbert Grove and the land surrounding it. For more info: janrspencer@gmail.com
RRCO and SCCO invites community to respond to antisemitism with love.
Anti-Semetic propaganda is being distribute in River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods.
Our communities are responding
Communities respond to hate with love – join us Sunday, Feb. 26, at 2 pm for a neighborhood gathering and community canvass near Santa Clara in a show of love and unity after finding antisemitic hate flyers in our neighborhood. For all of our safety, RSVP on the link to receive the location and further details:
What to expect: Representatives of the Social Justice Committees of both Santa Clara and River Road Community Organizations* will host a short gathering to talk about what happened, practice talking to our neighbors about antisemitism and how we can overcome hate with unity, then divide into pairs to knock on doors and leave positive information for neighbors impacted by recent hate activity. Rain or shine! Wear weather-appropriate clothes/shoes, bring water, a snack, and a bag or backpack to carry your flyers.
For all of our safety, please do not share the location of this event (to be announced after you RSVP) or post the location information publicly or on social media, but you may invite known, trusted friends and family to join us and ask them to RSVP here:
*Cosponsored also by Springfield-Eugene Showing Up for Racial Justice and Community Alliance of Lane County. RSVPs will go to the 4 event organizers to respond.
PS. We also have other activities for those who do not want to or cannot canvass. Let’s have a big turnout as we did for the paintball incident a couple of years ago.
If you would like to be part of this effort and other work of the Social Justice Committee please send us a note at rrco_social_justice@riverroadco.org
Recycling Event Information – April 16, 2023
Please join us for our April 16th 2023 recycling event. Here’s our PDF file with all the details.
Testify on the Willamette Greenway Code Amendment Hearing
Information for 1/10/2023 Eugene Planning Commission Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments hearing
(This document was prepared by members of the River Road Community Organization Willamette Greenway Advisory Committee and can be found at https://tinyurl.com/Willamette-greenway-Guide
The following information about the Eugene Planning Commission’s Public Hearing on Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments to be held on Tuesday January 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM. is provided by members of the RRCO. This is a rare opportunity to have your concerns and suggestions heard.
If adopted there will be two tracks an applicant can choose to obtain a Willamette Greenway Permit for development within the Willamette Greenway Zone. The existing discretionary path has proven to be ineffective because the criteria for approval are often stated to be “to the maximum extent practicable” which Hearings Officials find themselves unable to interpret. The code proposed here intends to add a second Clear and Objective Path for which compliance is intended to be easily determined. When an applicant is proposing to develop housing on a parcel, they choose which path they want to be used to have their application evaluated.
The criteria for the discretionary path can be found at 9.8815 and the criteria for the Clear and Objective Path can be found at 9.8812 in the proposed code.
Notable Key Points identified for possible testimony (written and/or oral). Specific proposed code references are included at the end of points for those who want to review the specific proposal language and/or to include them in your testimony if desired.
- Planning Commission is unaware that this process is the venue for deliberating and developing proposed code to implement the Draft Neighborhood Plans goals etc. therefore either extend this hearing or commit to holding another hearing once that work is done. Therefore, we request that The Greenway goals from the Draft RR/SC Neighborhood Plan will be evaluated by the Eugene Planning Commission and appropriate revisions will be incorporated into the WRG Clear and Objective code amendments. For example, consider the proposed code amendments that are intended to preserve the natural ambiance of the Willamette River Greenway. One addition could be to reduce allowed heights for C-2, C-3, G-0, R-2, R-3 and R-4 for the Willamette Greenway Zone within the boundaries of the River Road Community Organization.
- It appears that the proposed Clear and Objective Criteria are insufficient to make objective the following criteria in the original discretionary code for the Willamette Greenway:
- maximum possible landscaped area, open space, or vegetation between the activity and the river. See Point 5 below. Existing code: 9.8815(1)
- · necessary and adequate public access will be provided along the Willamette River by appropriate legal means. See Point 7 below. Existing code: 9.8815 (2)
- Protection of significant fish and wildlife habitats as identified in the Metropolitan Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper Indeterminate – unable to locate this document in the web but the goal 5 conservation setback is defined as within 100’ of high bank or 120 from ordinary high water and is designated via the /NR Natural Resource Zone & /WR Conservation Overlay are insufficient to protect significant fish and wildlife habitats. The goal 5 conservation setback is defined as within 100’ of high bank or 120 from ordinary high water Existing code: 9.8815(5)(b)
- Protection and enhancement of the natural vegetative fringe along the Willamette See Point 5 below (where private property is adjacent to Willamette Greenway Setback). Existing code: 9.8815(5)c
- Preservation of scenic qualities and viewpoints as identified in the Metropolitan Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper. See point 1 above (5)(d)
- Willamette River Greenway Tree Preservation Zones 1, 2, & 3 when located on public land should be required to only be planted with species native to the western United States. ( Exhibit F to Ordinance No. 2035 part 2) as required in the 10-foot native plant landscape buffer zone immediately outside the Willamette River Greenway Setback
Preserved Tree Preservation code is found at 9.6885 (2)(d)(5)
- No adjustments should be allowed for the 10-foot native plant landscape buffer zone immediately outside the Willamette River Greenway Setback Proposed Code: 9.8812(3)
- The 10-foot width and the L-2 standards for the 10-foot native plant landscape buffer zone immediately outside the Willamette River Greenway Setback are inadequate. Increase width to 20 ft and use the High Screen Landscape Standard (L-3). Additionally, this buffer should be required only for lots located immediately adjacent to parklands.
Proposed Code: 9.8812(3)(a)
- All pathways constructed on public land will be open to public use. (see appendix A – Goal 15 reference to public paths for support)
Our concern is that the majority of the tree preservation zones primarily lie within Eugene Park land and while admirable, they provide less than anticipated benefit to Eugene’s tree canopy.
Hearing Relevant links:
- Staff information page: https://www.eugene-or.gov/764/Land-Use-Code-Amendments
- Review the proposed code at https://www.eugene-or.gov/DocumentCenter/View/68138
- Staff report and information for hearing: https://www.eugene-or.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_01102023-1169
- Staff Provided FAQs can be found at https://www.eugene-or.gov/DocumentCenter/View/68314
- An interactive map of the proposed setbacks is at https://tinyurl.com/Greenway-Webmap
- Existing Eugene Land Use Code Chapter 9: https://eugene.municipal.codes/EC/9
Oregon Land Use Goal 15 Willamette Greenway links:
Oregon Land Use Goal 5 Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces links:
- Description and Implementing Regulations: https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/OP/Pages/Goal-5.aspx
How to testify:
To provide written testimony, send an email to: greenwaytestimony@eugene-or.gov
To provide oral testimony during the Public Hearing: join using one of the two following options:
1. Join on your computer, tablet, or smartphone
Visit: https://eugene-or-gov.zoom.us/j/88568352100
Sign up to speak by clicking once on the “raise hand” icon
2. Join on your phone:
Dial one of the below numbers and enter the Webinar ID: 885 6835 2100
+1 833-548-0276 (Toll Free); or
+1 833-548-0282 (Toll Free); or
+1 877-853-5257 (Toll Free); or
+1 888-475-4499 (Toll Free);
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
International numbers available: https://eugene-or-gov.zoom.us/u/kbEgyMKe59
Sign up to speak by dialing *9 (Star-9)
How to watch: To watch a webcast of the meeting live visit: https://www.eugene-or.gov/2109/Planning-Commission-Webcasts
Appendix A References to Public Paths
3. Use Management Considerations and Requirements.
c. Access — Adequate public access to the river shall be provided for, with emphasis on urban and urbanizable areas,
3. Greenway Compatibility Review:
b. The review of intensification, changes of use and developments as authorized by the Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance to insure their compatibility with the Greenway statutes and to insure that the best possible appearance, landscaping and public access are provided.
(2) Necessary public access will be provided to and along the river by appropriate legal means;
Existing Willamette Greenway Permit Code Language
9.8815(2) To the greatest possible degree, necessary and adequate public access will be provided along the Willamette River by appropriate legal means.
Link to this PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zp84l9IgW4CbJnstFJ2BI2O3ojWEczXK/view?usp=sharing
Year End Update from Ready NW Eugene
As we reach the end of 2022, it’s important to reflect on the accomplishments of the year and look ahead and our goals for 2023!
This Ready NW Eugene Team was formed a few years ago by a few Northwest Eugene neighbors, with the support of the River Road, Bethel, and Santa Clara neighborhood organizations, and aims to reach all neighbors to continue the conversation about Personal and Community Preparedness. We meet on the First Tuesday of each month from 6:30 – 7:30 pm via Zoom and everyone is invited to join these conversations.
Here is a Summary of our 2022 Recorded Meetings:
- January 4, 2022 – Discussion with Catherine Zunno of the City of Eugene’s Emergency Management Department about Winter Power Outages and Personal Preparedness. – View Meeting Recording
- February 1, 2022 – We held our first Virtual Evacuation Exercise of a simulated Chlorine Gas leak at a rail yard in Northwest Eugene. We explored how neighbors would be alerted of the incident, how to identify our Evacuation Zones, if we were prepared to evacuate or shelter in place, and how to consider rapidly changing conditions. – View Meeting Recording
- March 9, 2022 – Emergency Preparedness Team Meeting with updates from neighbors about their preparedness efforts. – View Meeting Recording
- April 5, 2022 – Discussion with Travis Knudsen of LRAPA (Lane Regional Air Protection Agency) about Air Quality in Eugene and Lane County. – View Meeting Recording
- May 3, 2022 – Discussion with Lin Woodrich of Ready NW Eugene and Merrill Harrison from Eugene Springfield Fire about Fire Behavior and Defensible Space in NW Eugene. – View Meeting Recording
- July 5, 2022 – Discussion with Jacque Wurster of Ready NW Eugene about Extreme Heat and Summer Power Outages. – View Meeting Recording
- August 2, 2022 – Discussion with neighbors about generating Community outreach. – View Meeting Recording
- October 5, 2022 – Updates from Summer and Fall activities, Permaculture Tours, Damage Assessment Teams, Preparing for the Dam Safety Presentation – View Meeting Recording
- November 1, 2022 – Updates from neighbors about their preparedness efforts, Preparing for the Dam Safety Presentation. – View Meeting Recording
- November 14, 2022 – Discussion with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) about Dam Safety and Inundation Mapping. – View Meeting Recording
We need your help to continue these efforts! The City of Eugene, Lane County, and Eugene Springfield Fire have Emergency Plans in place for how to respond to large scale disasters (https://www.eugene-or.gov/681/Emergency-Plans), but first responders may not be able to reach you or have other higher priorities after a major (or minor!) event and your immediate neighbors may become your help, until help arrives. Knowing this, it is our responsibility as residents and neighbors to research and share the necessary information, tools, and know-how to minimize the effects of the disaster on our community.
“These individual responsibilities include hazard awareness, knowledge of appropriate protective actions, taking steps to mitigate the effect of anticipated hazards, and preparing for personal and family safety and self-sufficiency.” – Eugene-Springfield Multi-Jurisdictional Emergency Operations Plan
If you have questions or are interested in any volunteering for specific areas listed below, please contact ReadyNWeugene@gmail.com. No experience necessary!
Looking to Organize in our Neighborhood:
- Map Your Neighborhood/Block Parties/Immediate Neighbor Contacts
- Establishing a Radio Network/Communication Hubs
- Establishing Damage Assessment Teams
- First Aid Training
- Power Outage Practice Event
- Evacuation Practice Event
Looking for Expert Presentations and Discussions on:
- Earthquake Damage
- Water Storage
- Water Purification
- Food Storage
- Creative ways to acquire and use multi-functional emergency supplies in everyday use and for quick access
- Small space storage ideas
- Fire and Defensible Space
- Front Yard Gardens/Food Sharing/Edible Landscapes
- Dam Safety and Flooding
- Incident Command System
Needing help from neighbors with these tasks:
- Planning monthly meetings
- Hosting monthly meetings
- Taking notes during monthly meetings
- Writing neighborhood matching grants
- Evaluating the city/county emergency plans
- Follow up with city/county officials with questions from neighbors and organize action steps
- Social media management
- Update website content
- Create “advertising” materials or content for newsletters, articles, blog posts, etc.
- Follow up on inquiries to email contacts
- Business reach outs
- Church reach outs
- School reach outs
- Youth organization reach outs
- Engaging students or interns
Next Meeting – Tuesday January 3, 2023 06:30 – 7:30 PM
Meeting ID: 856 5731 4800
Passcode: prep
Visit the RRCO Emergency Preparedness Team Page/ for more preparedness tips.
Ward 7 City Council Applicants Announced
The City of Eugene has announced that the following individuals have applied to be appointed by the City Council to the Interim Ward 7 City Council Position. The Council is expected to appoint one of these individuals on December 12th to serve until a new councilor to be elected in the May 2023 Primary Election takes office in July 2023.
• Barbie Walker
• Carol Zorn
• Daniel Isaacson
• Daniel Takamori
• Don Heady
• Janet Ayres
• Lyndsie Leech
• Marlene Pearson
• Stephanie Dugger
• Thomas Hiura
Report on Zip-O Noise Pollution and Public Hearing
KEPW has published a news article about the Zip-O-Laminator noise pollution situation and the upcoming Eugene City Council public hearing on November 21st at 5:30pm. It’s running on the radio this week and can be streamed here as well.
Below is a flier being passed around the neighborhood to help get folks to show up at the upcoming public hearing. This is what folks being awakened at 4am have been working towards. This is our most important opportunity so far to put a stop to it.