Frequently Asked Questions: Annexation in Eugene

In 1982, the Cities of Eugene, Springfield and Lane County adopted the Metro Plan. Policies in the Metro Plan encourage annexation as the preferred means of providing services to new development and state a preference for cities to become the providers of service within their Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB). Residents are often unclear about when annexations take place and what decisions trigger annexation. The following are typical questions raised by residents:

What is annexation?

Annexation (sometimes called “incorporation) is the legal process by which unincorporated properties become part of a city and thus can receive city services. Annexation is voluntary and must be initiated by the property owner. There is an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of Eugene and Lane County that delegates responsibilities to the City for land use, zoning, and building permitting authority inside the urban growth boundary. This means that every resident has a stake in the future of City planning, regardless of jurisdiction. In the City of Eugene, annexations must be approved by the Eugene City Council.

To understand more about boundary relationships between the City of Eugene, the Urban Growth Boundary, and the Metro Plan please see the Metro Plan Amendment Responsibilities.

What criteria do I have to meet if I want to annex my property?

To annex a property into the City of Eugene, a property must fulfill the following requirements:

•be within the UGB

•border the city limits or be separated from the city only by a public right of way or a stream, bay, lake or other body of water.

•be within 300’ of services (water, wastewater, streets), OR

•be willing to extend those services to the project site at the developer’s cost

Will I be required to annex?

Annexation into the city limits is voluntary. Annexation typically occurs when a property owner proposes to develop a property that is within the UGB but not within city limits. There has been no discussion of requiring properties to annex if they are brought into the UGB.

If I request an extra-territorial extension, will I be required to annex?

Applications requesting the extension of water service or sewer service from inside the city limits to serve property located outside of the city limits must meet the criteria laid out by EC 9.8121. This includes entering into an annexation agreement. Additional information for properties located in the Industrial Corridor Community Organization (ICCO) can be found in EC 9.8117(2).

If I build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on my property that is unincorporated, will I be required to annex?

No, accessory dwelling units in /UL Urbanizable Lands Overlay Zones are exempt from annexation or annexation agreements. See Ordinance No. 18-04 9.4640

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What kind of development triggers the need to annex?

In most cases, development that increases the need for additional city utilities and services requires annexation. Examples of common triggers for annexation include:

• Connect to City sewers.

• Create new vacant, developable lots.

• Change zoning on a property to higher intensity of activity.

• Develop new commercial or industrial buildings.

The following activities DO NOT trigger annexation:

• Building accessory dwelling units, residential outbuildings or remodeling.

• Placing a temporary manufactured home on a property with a Hardship Permit, and minor additions to existing businesses, where no new demand for City services is created.

• Site improvements such as building a fence or improving a driveway.

For more information regarding what can trigger annexation see E.C. 94640

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If a property is not contiguous to the city limits, how can it be annexed in order to build on a vacant lot?

Until such time as the parcel is contiguous, development and the required annexation is not permitted. Contiguity is a prerequisite for all annexations.

Will my taxes go up if I annex to the City?

Yes. City taxes are higher than the taxes in unincorporated areas, but the level of services is higher. To find out how your particular taxes may change you should contact the Lane County Office of Assessment and Taxation (541-682-4321). Also, the Annexation Property Tax Calculator provides an estimate of the change in property taxes resulting from annexation to the City of Eugene. The scope of this tool includes properties within the River Road, Santa Clara and Industrial Corridor neighborhoods which are located inside the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) but outside the Eugene city limits.

Why does the City look for logical and appropriate street segments to annex?

Since the Metro Plan indicates that all lands inside Eugene’s UGB will someday be part of the city, it makes sense to have city streets provide access and utilities to properties within city limits. Having streets within city limits allows the city greater control over water and sewer line extension and repair, storm drainage, traffic speed control, and traffic enforcement. The City also provides a higher level of emergency services from the police and fire departments to incidents occurring in the road rights-of-way. As urban development continues and properties are annexed, there is more opportunity

and a greater public need for assuring connectivity and access, rather than isolated and incremental efforts to acquire road rights-of-way as in the past.

What is an island of unincorporated property?

One or more properties not annexed to the City, or “unincorporated,” that are completely surrounded by properties that are annexed (or “incorporated”) in the city limits. See ORS 222.750

If my property becomes an island of unincorporated property, does something change?

Yes, under state law, the City could initiate annexation of properties in an unincorporated island without the provision of remonstrance (or vote) by the residents living in the island. In other words, the City could, at some time in the future, ask City Council to approve the annexation of the island of unincorporated property. The City Council may adopt a resolution approving the annexation or vote to defer action after it holds a public hearing on the proposed annexation.

Does that happen often?

No, the City has policies that favor voluntary annexations by the property owners. The City of Eugene has not initiated an annexation of an unincorporated island in many years.

How much does it cost to annex and what is the approximate timeline?

A link to the application is listed below. The application asks for information concerning the applicant, property owner, and property to be annexed. A filing fee must accompany all applications. The current filing fee for an annexation application is $5,155.70, however, the fee is subject to change periodically by the City Manager. It is best to check with the Planning Staff at the City of Eugene Permit and Information Center to determine the required fee. Below is an approximate timeline and overview of the annexation process:

• Within 30 calendar days from the submission date, staff will review the application for completeness and determine if the application is complete or incomplete. If the application is complete it will then be forwarded to the city council for a written recommendation from the planning director based on the approval criteria in EC 9.7825.

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• At least 30 days prior to the date the Eugene City Council considers the Planning Director’s recommendation, notice of the application that contains the street address or other easily understood geographical reference to the property, the Planning Director’s recommendation, and the date and time the Council will consider the recommendation shall be mailed to the applicant; owners and occupants of properties located within 500 feet of the perimeter of the subject property; and the neighborhood group or community organization officially recognized by the City Council that includes the area of the subject property.

• If a public hearing is required, then notice will be sent out not less than 14 days prior to the hearing; published in a local newspaper and posted in four places in the city for two successive weeks prior to the hearing date. At the hearing, the council may adopt a resolution approving, modifying and approving, or denying the application for annexation.

Where can I get more information about annexations?

There are several sources for information as listed below:

Annexation Application and Information:

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City of Eugene Website:

City of Eugene Planning Division: Planner on Duty: 99 W 10th Ave. from 9am – 5pm, or call 541-682-5377

Lane County Assessment & Taxation office: 125 East 8th Ave. from 10am-3pm, or call 541-682-4321

<End of City of Eugene Document>

Annexations in the River Road Neighborhood 2000-2024

Between 1/1/2000 and 10/5/2024 (25 years) there have been 136 Annexation applications.  That is an average of 5.4 applications per year.  Nearly all applications are approved but a small number were untaxed public land.  The majority were undeveloped lots.