April 2024, our meeting is thus on MONDAY, APRIL 1
Same Location : The Annex, 1055 River Road
Same Time: 7-8:30 pm
1) Regular Community meetings will now be held on the FIRST MONDAY of the month.
2) Board Election for the four expiring positions will be held in the April 1st meeting rather than the March meeting. This will be an in-person meeting only (hybrid logistics for voting are too complicated).
We will begin the April meeting by calling for any additional nominations of active neighbors (anyone who has attended a meeting since last March and signed in either on paper or via zoom). This is your chance to throw your hat in the ring! Then we will provide time for all candidates to present a 3 minute statement about their candidacy after which all active neighbors will vote by paper ballot.
Once those ballots are collected we will move on to hear from the candidates for City Council Ward 7 and receive information on the measures on the May Primary Ballot (4_J Eugene School District Local Option Levy Renewal, Star Voting & at this time a bond for a Multiuse Stadium at Lane County Events Center.
And finally, we will hear the results of RRCO’s board election.
So if you’re thinking about joining the RRCO Board, here are two ways to get more information:
- Check out this Job description for RRCO Executive Board members
- Send an email to cochair@riverroadco.org with your questions or to share your interest.
3) E-Newsletters will come to you around the 18th of the month instead of in the beginning of the month. Please submit e-news items to board@riverroadco.org by the 14th.
4) Keep an eye on your snail-mailbox on March 18th for a postcard announcing the elections.
5) Board meetings will be on the 3rd Monday of the month.
6) Starting in May we will be switching from Zoom to Google meets.